The 5 Human Design Energy Types


Understanding your energy type is the first place to start when understanding your Human Design. Your type is determined by the way the centers (squares and triangles) in your chart are defined (colored in) or not, and how they are connected to the other centers within your body graph. Your energy type reveals your aura, your energy, and how you interact with the other. 

There are 5 energy types and each type has a strategy, which tells you how to use your energy in alignment and without resistance. When you follow your type’s strategy, you experience a signature that ultimately helps you best embody your authentic self. 

There are 5 types in human design. Three are know as “energy beings”, which are Manifestors, Generators, and Manifesting Generators. Energy beings have consistent access to manifesting and/or generating energy. Two types are known as “non-energy beings”, which are Projectors and Reflectors. Non-energy beings do not have consistent access to manifesting and/or generating energy. More to come!

Katie Calder