Projector Type and Strategy

Introduction to the Projector Type and Strategy

Projectors make up 20-24% of the population. If you are a Projector, you’re here to manage, guide and direct the energy of the other types. Your perspective, sensitivity, and awareness allows you to see systems and read others unlike any other type. Recognize your unique gifts first and then wait for the right people to recognize your brilliance and invite you to share your wisdom. You are the ultimate guides for the entire tribe.


Projectors, there’s a lot of #fakenews and conflicting info around the projector strategy, and I hope I can help clear a few things up. Your strategy should empower you to step more fully into the wholeness that is you! Projectors — you are magical, wise beings who see systems, solutions, and people in ways unlike anyone else. You always have guidance and direction that’s waiting to be shared, BUT may have found throughout your life that when you share what was not invited, you are not well received.

Here’s the deal. You DON’T need to be invited to go after YOUR dreams. You can start that business, go on that solo trip, create a blog, whatever you want — as long as the other isn’t in the picture. That’s where your strategy comes in to play.

Let’s say you are on an island, and there’s a palm tree, and you’re really thirsty and want to cut the coconut off the tree and drink it. You don’t have to wait for the palm tree to invite you to cut the coconut off the tree. That’s NEVER going to happen. BUT, if Johnny is on the island with you, and you KNOW (because you’re a Projector and just know) that Johnny is thirsty and would benefit from drinking the coconut water, that does not give you the go-ahead to cut the coconut off the tree and force-feed Johnny. He won’t like that. But if Johnny says “I’m so thirsty,” there’s the invitation and go-ahead to say “Oh, Johnny, I have an idea! Would you like me to cut the coconut off the palm tree so you can drink it?” And he’ll say, “Wow, awesome idea! Yes, please! Thank you so much!”

To conclude — recognize yourself first. Recognize your wisdom. Recognize what you know and see SO clearly. Once you do, I promise the invitations will be flying at you left and right. All it’ll take is checking in with authority to see if they are right for you.