Human Design Energy Types Introduction

There are 5 types in Human Design. Three are know as “energy beings”, which are Manifestors, Generators, and Manifesting Generators. Energy beings have consistent access to manifesting and/or generating energy. Two types are known as “non-energy beings”, which are Projectors and Reflectors. Non-energy beings do not have consistent access to manifesting and/or generating energy.

Below is an intro to the 5 Energy Types:

  1. Manifestor

    8-10% of the population. If you are a Manifestor, you’re here to just do it. You’re the only type who’s here to initiate. Align with your vision and inform others when you’re ready to do. You’re a born leader, self-starter, and visionary. You’re here to freely and independently make waves. You’re a catalyst for transformative change.

  2. Generator

    35-38% of the population. If you are a Generator, you’re here to learn what you love and unapologetically go after what lights you up. You embody pure, sparkly magnetism when you respond to the right opportunities for you. You’re a master builder and creator when you take aligned action towards your goals, and watch your dedication transform into mastery. You are the driving force of the world, lean into what you love, and watch as your surrounding world gains energy, momentum and life!

  3. Manifesting Generator

    32-35% of the population. If you are a Manifesting Generator, you’re here to be a trailblazer and break boundaries. You’re a multi-talented, multi-passionate force, backed with a Generator’s drive and a Manifestor’s ability to accomplish. You’re inherently efficient & not here to follow a linear path or live by anyone else’s rules. Respond to and test the waters in all that lights you up. listen to when it’s time to let go and move on. You are the new age in ecstatic motion, lean in and follow your light.

  4. Projector

    20-24% of the population. If you are a Projector, you’re here to manage, guide and direct the energy of the other types. Your perspective, sensitivity, and awareness allows you to see systems and read others unlike any other type. Recognize your unique gifts first and then wait for the right people to recognize your brilliance and invite you to share your wisdom. You are the ultimate guides for the entire tribe.

  5. Reflector

    1-2% of the population. If you are a Reflector, you’re here to be a wise observer. You’re a human mirror who magnifies the world around you and you are deeply connected and affected by the cycles of the moon. Your health and wellbeing reflects what’s happening in the larger collective. You view the world in a novel way and show others the gift of who they truly are.