The Start of Something New


Hi! Welcome! I'm happy you're here. I've been sitting on launching this site for YEARS now, and, with the go-ahead from my strategy and authority, the time has finally arrived! Many of you may know me over at @katiecalder_ (formerly @namaskayyy) where I share all things embodied and empowered wellness, and at @humandesignlady, which is the space where I share Human Design in easily digestible language.

This space, along with all the spaces I create and immerse myself in, are for you. They’re for both of us. I hope this space serves you as one to connect, learn, grow, decondition, evolve, transform, and embody your authentic truths. I’m so excited to share this new journey with you!!!

Thank you for being here. I’m THRILLED to begin this new chapter with you. :)

Katie Calder